Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tis Autumn

So I've been absent for a little while. Not that it's been that long at all, but so it goes.

This semester has been full of work (which one hasn't, aren't you bringing in the news darling?) and I've been swamped between that and trying to have a social life. I recently bought some tickets to go see Kimbra next month at Metro with one of my girlfriends, so that's going to be loads and loads of fun and I can't wait. Other than that I'm currently reading The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater and A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with a friend in town and that'll be good fun, yes?

I've been listening to a lot of good music lately--I'm so happy that Band of Horses came out with their new album finally. They tend to be a part of my fall playlist cycle. Who else is coming out with new stuff? Also, might I add, I'm so happy it's finally sweater season. There's nothing comfier than a nice sweater with a pair of skinny jeans and thick socks or a pair of slippers.

My roommate and I are taking a study break at five to finally watch the new Doctor Who episode that came out a few hours ago, or maybe it was only one.  We don't have actual tv, and mostly watch netflix on the wii or xbox. So our Saturday version of sitting around drinking a beer or a glass of wine usually is of us congregating around my dinky little laptop and intently watching and critiquing what's happening throughout the episode. Followed by a short commentatry on what we thought of it. Although today I think we're going to be drinking tea and promptly afterwords having some peanut-butter oreos and dinner. We're heading out to a show around quarter till eight. With that said, I've been avoiding the internet since the episode aired, since they're offing the Ponds; they've been around for most of Eleven's lifespan and I'm about ready for someone new. Haha, it's a bit odd for me to be talking about Doctor Who somewhere else instead of in person with my friends who keep up with it.

Nothing much left to report. Have a lovely rest of the weekend.

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